Please complete the form below along with the additional Instagram and Facebook requirements to complete your entry. Failure to complete this form or the Instagram and Facebook requirements will result in disqualification. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the complete terms and conditions fo the 2022 Magical Moments Contest.

The amount of winning families will be a result of how much funding is raised. Another family will be selected for every $6,000 raised, so help increase your chances of winning by sharing our donation page!

we hope you win!


Please complete the following requirements to fulfill your entry:

A. Instagram:

1. Sign into his/her Instagram account (entrant may create an Instagram account for free if he/she does not already have one);

2. Follow @christmasforfosters on Instagram (if not already following @christmasforfosters). There is no charge to sign up for Instagram or to follow @christmasforfosters;

3. Post a photo on Instagram that tells Sponsor why you want to win during the Entry Period; and

4. Include the hashtags “#MagicalMoments2022” and “#ChristmasForFosters” and tag @christmasforfosters.

5. Your profile must be public from time of entry until May 30, 2022. 

B. Facebook:

1. Sign into his/her Facebook account (entrant may create a Facebook account for free if he/she does not already have one);

2. Follow the Sponsor’s Facebook ( (“Page”);

3. During Entry Period, Sponsor will make a Facebook post on the Page inviting participants to enter this Promotion (“Invitation Post”);

4. Post a photo on Facebook that tells Sponsor why you want to win during the Entry Period; and

5. Include the hashtags “#MagicalMoments2022” and “#ChristmasForFosters” and tag the Christmas for Fosters Page.

6. Your post must be public from time of entry until May 30, 2022.